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New eBook

Improving DoD Data Strategy

6 Ways Rosette by Babel Street Can Help

Understanding how Rosette by Babel Street can help improve DoD data strategy

The Department of Defense data strategy calls for using data at “speed and scale for operational advantage and increased efficiency.” A recent Department of Defense Intelligence Information Systems Worldwide Conference outlined the specific challenges the DoD must meet to successfully implement this strategy. 

In this eBook, “Improving DoD Data Strategy: 6 Ways Rosette® by Babel Street Can Help,” you’ll see how Rosette offers the DoD secure, easily deployable technologies to triage, assimilate, and enrich information across source languages. You’ll also learn how Rosette can help the DoD share information as appropriate with authorized partners; and help analysts interact with machine learning models — training, annotating, and refining them as needed to obtain maximum insight. 

Improved data access leads to faster, deeper insight — a must in a world where battle advantages require decision making at machine speed. Learn more in our eBook.

Download the ebook for free.